10 Things To Stop Worrying About Today (especially moms).
Ever noticed how the bad things you worry about almost always don’t come true?
Chronic worrying steals your precious time and energy.
Say no to that today.
This post has come out of my need to stop worrying about things out of my control. I am and always will be a work in progress.
Recently I have had to deal with a person who has taken offence to me for reasons I still cannot understand. It’s sent me on a spiral of self-doubt, angst and worry that I dislike.
Dropping the fear of other people’s opinions, criticism and judgement is my biggest hurdle, still. Today I have taken action. Once again, I have decided to say no to negative thoughts.
I don’t have long to write this post, as we are currently packing up for the first trip in our new caravan, Susie. Even so, I had a desire to get this off my chest today. So here goes. I will get straight to the point.
If you are asking “how do I stop worrying and live my life?” then you are in the right place. Take a deep breath, relax the muscle tension in your face and let’s talk.
10 Things To Stop Worrying About Today.
- Other Peoples Opinions Of You.
Stop worrying about other people’s opinions about your lifestyle, parenting, clothes choices, dreams and ideas. Your vision of a happy, joyful, and fulfilling life is yours alone. Forget about what your neighbours, school gate moms, colleagues, even a family member think about you (or what you think they think, ponder on this). Just get on with shining your own vibrant light.
- Anything that is way beyond your control.
This is a given, but hard to put into action. If you have anxiety disorders (like myself) those pesky thoughts just keep on coming. Acknowledge and let go every time it appears in your mind. It’s really hard to just notice those thought patterns at first. Once you start to see the pattern, then you can take action. Try “I see you, thank you and goodbye” as a little affirmation. Stop replaying worst-case scenarios and get on with life.
- What you are supposed to be doing with your life.
Modern life is a conveyor belt. Modern mothering is a conveyor belt multiplied by a thousand. Forget what you have been told your life should look like and live it in the design that you chose. Again, difficult when we live in a society that constantly tells us to conform. Intentional living is not always a simple path to take. Take your first step today.
- The success of other people.
I’m not anti social media, but I believe in using it with caution. Pinterest is great for inspiration, but it’s not real life. Instagram is beautiful and kind build connections, but those little squares only show half the story. Find healthy ways to be inspired by other people, not deflated. If social-media creates anxious thoughts for you, ditch it.
- Things you don’t want to happen.
Stop wasting your valuable energy on worrying about things you don’t want to happen. Instead, spin that around and think about what you want to happen. Remember, you attract more of what you focus on. So stop focusing on the wrong things and start creating your dream daily life.
- Fitting in.
The most interesting and vibrant people never fit inside a box. They are willing to try new things and live in joy. One of my most treasured friends is a 75-year-old (self proclaimed) hippy, wild woman. She has never and will never fit into the crowd and she is the most inspiring and alive person I know. She knows how to ask for the good things in life and does not care what the world thinks.
- The future (or the past).
Be in the present moment. This takes so much time and commitment in a world that is constantly pulling us into the future or the past. You can make the choice to look for the good things right in front of you and accept what you cannot control. As someone who has struggled with a mind like a multi-lane highway, I know this can be done. It just takes time and persistence.
- Everything you are doing wrong.
Perfection is a false idea, it literally does not exist. Perfectionism steals the joy from life. As a mom, I worry about the decisions I make and if I am getting it right. Moms are often chronic worriers. That you worry means you are a committed, amazing parent. Just don’t let that worry ruin your journey. Celebrate your good days, make your peace with the hard ones. Just keep going and look for the opportunities of connection and joy all around you.
- How you look.
Ignore the thousands of marketing ads that bombard you. You look like you. Beautiful, unique, imperfect you. Embrace what you love about your body and image. I love my wild and unruly red hair and my slightly random clothes collection. It has taken me years to accept my pale, freckled skin and long nose. I am beautiful in my own way. Try noticing the unique beauty in the people you meet. Look after your physical health but don;t get obsessed by the perfect body.The next time you look in the mirror, smile at what you see. You are beautiful.
- Your children.
Yes, this sounds impossible. It pretty much is but there is only so much control we have over how our kids will turn out. I have a strong-willed boy who is a roller coaster of massive emotions. I do and always will strive to be the best mom I can for him, but at some point I have to let go. Children blossom with love and acceptance, not control and excessive worry.
How Can These 10 Things To Stop Worrying About Help You?
Worry might be part of life, but the good news is you can do something about it.
From today, make a pledge to reduce the time you give to worrying and start increasing the joy in your life.
The first thing you do in the morning often dictates your day, so try starting the day with a smile and gratitude.
Open your windows, breathe in some fresh air and say thank you for this new day. It’s the only way I start my day now.
I am a big believer in meditation. It is how I have reigned in my worrisome thoughts over the years. Like anything it takes time and commitment (and patience with yourself).
I love the Calm app and use it daily. You can try one of their guided videos below. Day 1 of the 7 Days To Calm with Tamara.
Don’t take yourself too seriously. Enjoy a good laugh, accept the cycles that come and go as a natural part of life, and take action to reduce negative thinking.
You are heading in the right way.
You’ve got this.
Here with you (actually I’m in my caravan)
Amanda x
Thank you so much for sharing this. As a mom who struggles with anxiety on a daily basis this was extremely helpful for me.
We are on the same wave length then. So glad you found it useful x
Not comparing myself with others has been the most difficult for me. I have to be very careful with which accounts I follow on Instagram and only follow the ones that inspire me with positive thoughts.
I’m also a few years away from turning 30 so sometimes I worry a lot about what I should be doing in my life at this age. Thank you for reminding me to forget what others say and focus on designing my own life the way I want.
So many great points that we all can relate to I am sure in your comment. I am VERY wary of social media as well and limit my time on it.
I turned 41 last year. Bizarrely I found turning 30 prompted more questions than 40 for me.
It’s great to keep questioning though and definitely all for designing your own life. I hear you on that!