50 Unique Gratitude Examples And Ways To Feel Grateful.

Gratitude Examples Happy Mother

Gratitude is a feeling, not a to-do list.

I am grateful for my health, family and home.

Seems like a nice affirmation to round off the day in your gratitude journal. As true as this may be, simply saying these words without feeling it doesn’t really shift anything.

Jump To Gratitude Examples.

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Gratitude is a high vibration, joyful feeling, but that feeling can’t appear just by saying words. Gratitude comes from a sense of happiness from being here, right now. One of the easiest ways to increase your gratitude is to look for ways to feel grateful.

This post will help you take your gratitude practice off the to-do list and out into everyday life.

How Do You Express Gratitude Examples.

How you express gratitude is a personal experience. Here are a few ideas to look for gratitude in your daily life. Remember, it’s all about how you feel in that moment. You are looking for positive emotions, not a list of generic good things to be grateful for.

I think it’s important to find the little things in everyday life that make you happy.

Paula Cole

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Examples Of Gratitude.

Here are a few gratitude examples to get you thinking about ways to feel grateful in your life.

  1. Taking the time to enjoy your morning coffee with all your senses, being fully in the present moment.
  2. Watching the sunrise with a sense of being grounded in the moment.
  3. Feeling thankful for your health when you workout.
  4. Feeling grateful for the modern technology of GPS allowing you to find the best way to drive home!
  5. Feeling lucky to have hot water on tap as you experience a shower or bath.
  6. Pausing to enjoy the laughter of your child.
  7. Being happy to be alive right now.
  8. Smiling at the memory of a joyful celebration.
  9. Welcoming a new family member into your life.
  10. Being grateful for the challenges you have overcome.
  11. Being thankful for your physical and mental health when you wake and feel your body wake up.
  12. Taking a moment to smile at your partner when they enter a room.
  13. Taking a moment to smile at your beautiful face every time you pass a mirror.
  14. Watching and listening to your garden birds as they squabble at the bird table.
  15. Feeling the vibration and beauty of the full moon on a clear night.
  16. Sitting round a table with your closest friends, sharing stories and food.
  17. Connecting to the sounds of nature as you walk through the woods.
  18. Feeling grateful to your daily meditation practice and you sit on your cushion.
  19. Being grateful for your comfy chair by the fire on a winter’s day.
  20. Enjoying the meal someone prepared for you, without distraction.
  21. Feeling gratitude for your breath and how it can soothe you in a stressful moment.
  22. Being brave enough to acknowledge hard times as a teacher for your future self.
  23. Acknowledging a colleague who has helped you on a difficult day.
  24. Being an engaged listener whilst on a phone call to your best friend.
  25. Feeling grateful for a special dinner with your new romantic partner.
  26. Sitting by the ocean feeling in awe of nature.
  27. Observing the results of your hard work from a creative project.
  28. Feeling thankful for a person who has helped you through a tough time.
  29. Being grateful for the tools you have learnt to deal with negative emotions as they arise.
  30. Feeling wrapped up against the cold in your winter coat.
  31. Being dazzled by the sparkling winter sunlight on a chilly January walk.
  32. Seeing the first spring flowers pop up in your garden or local park.
  33. Feeling grateful for video calling whilst chatting to a friend overseas.
  34. Feeling the privilege of having clean water easily flowing from a tap.
  35. Receiving a handwritten note of thanks in the post.
  36. Celebrating your good fortune when you receive an unexpected cash refund.
  37. Buzzing with energy when a before challenging 10k run becomes easy.
  38. Being grateful for your expansive mindset as you work towards your goals.
  39. Feeling blessed for the joy, chaos, and laughter in your family home.
  40. Feeling abundance and love for the fleeting time of childhood as you walk, holding your child’s small
  41. Loving the fact you can carry out ordinary home tasks whilst listening to an inspiring audiobook (currently Everything Is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo)
  42. The happy moment when you find something important you had lost.
  43. Noticing how warm and comfortable your bed is in the morning.
  44. Feeling lucky to have your vibrant body whilst you dance to music.
  45. Being playful in the moment with your children.
  46. Feeling grateful for the internet when you find different ways to keep your family healthy on a budget.
  47. Taking the time to stop and observe the sights, smells, sounds and feel of your garden.
  48. Being grateful to your newly developed assertiveness when you say no to a request on your time or energy.
  49. Feeling like a warrior woman when you finish a round of sun salutations in yoga.
  50. Feeling so grateful that you can do yoga, pilates or any workout you like in your living room with a laptop.

Thought that was the end? There’s one more example of gratitude you must never forget.

Feeling Grateful For You

For the beautiful, imperfect, joyful, changing being that you are.

How To Be Grateful Unique Ideas
Unique Examples Of Gratitude

Why is gratitude important?

Gratitude is so much more than a simple statement of your good fortune. Being grateful is good for you and the world around you.

Here’s 5 benefits of gratitude (click the links if you want to see the research).

  1. Lower negative emotions. Gratitude can help you lower negative emotions like envy and anger.
  2. Increases empathy. Gratitude can help you become more aware and understanding of the emotions and difficulties of others.
  3. Increases self-esteem. An attitude of gratitude is one of the simple ways to combat comparison to others and increase self-esteem. Especially important in the age of social media.
  4. Better sleep quality. Being grateful may help you sleep better, giving you all the benefits of a good night’s sleep.
  5. More desire to give back. Being grateful for your own blessings could put you in a better place to give back to others and your community.

How do you grow your gratitude every day?

I have 6 simple ways to grow your gratitude every day.

  1. Keep a gratitude list. Keep a journal, notebook, post-it note or even a list on your phone. Every time you feel grateful for something, write it down. Note all positive events, big and small. Quality time with your parents, a good job interview or a simple hot chocolate. It all counts. This is a great way to increase gratitude quickly.
  2. Write a gratitude letter. You don’t even need to send it. Write a letter to someone, to yourself, to your child, to a person you have lost, partner, mother. Direct loving, grateful thoughts into your letter. A simple act with a big impact.
  3. Keep a gratitude journal. We are big lovers of journaling around here. If you don’t already journal, why not start with a daily gratitude journal? It’s an easy way to journal and one of the more creative ways to increase gratitude.
  4. Improve your mindfulness. A mindful brain is more likely to observe the opportunities for gratefulness. A small thing of an easy parking space is noticed, not ignored. Meditation (daily, if possible) is a good way to increase mindfulness.
  5. Connect to a higher power. Whatever this means to you. It might be your faith, your spirituality, your connection to nature. Connect in every morning and offer gratitude for the life journey you are on.
  6. Watch your words. “I create as I speak”. I heard this phrase from Sarah Prout (Manifest Podcast). Do you speak words of gratitude, abundance and joy or are you quick to be negative, critical and ungrateful? This can be a hard truth to witness (I say this from the heart as I was like this for a long time). See yourself in a new perspective. 

If you don’t have a journal, I love this Tree of Life vegan journal. So pretty and simple. If you are a visual person, make sure you get a journal that inspiring so you feel encouraged to pick it up and write.

Expression of gratitude is so much more than a simple list, it is an emotional state that can be cultivated. The next time you feel a spark of joy for something as simple as a warm drink after a cold walk, take a moment to feel what gratitude is.

Today, I had a moment of pure gratitude. I am so deeply grateful for the internet. I was listening to the Mel Robbins podcast (LOVE Mel) whilst finishing this post and it struck me how much the internet has transformed my life.

It’s allowed me to study, connect with friends around the world and create this blog and start working on my upcoming Etsy shop and book (watch this space). I am even teaching myself to knit this year! I want a homemade cable knit jumper in time for next winter.

So on that note, there’s a brilliant video below from Mel on how showing appreciation and gratitude can enrich your life. Never be afraid to show appreciation to someone (this includes to yourself as well).

My sincerest dream for this post is to spark just one moment of gratitude for you. Then look for another and another.

Soon you will find examples of gratitude on a daily basis.

When we focus on our gratitude, the tide of disappointment goes out and the tide of love rushes in.

Kristin armstrong

With sincere gratitude for you and the time you have given me today.

Do you have any gratitude examples to share?

Leave them in the comments below. Let’s build a never ending list of things we can truly feel grateful for.

Amanda x

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  1. Practicing gratitude can have such a positive impact on our mindset! I use a life planner which has mindfulness exercises in it and blank journaling pages at the end so I love finding blog posts like this that have lists of gratitude ideas or journaling prompts. Thanks for sharing!