99+ Relaxing Self-Care Ideas For Your Mind, Body & Spirit.

Writing Relaxing Self Care Ideas In Pink Journal


Now here’s a topic that’s close to my heart. Same for you?

Or do you feel there’s a lot of chatter around self-care, but who really has the time? Is it just someone else’s life through a social media filter?

Just like you, I have my good and bad days. When life was really tough, even brushing my hair felt like self-care. Right now, I’m a homeschooling mom and self-care is a necessity, not a luxury. Like food, air and Downton Abbey (just me?).

Pinterest Image Relaxing Self-Care Ideas Woman and Cat
Pinterest Image

As a mom, I might not always have the time for an hour long soak in a rose scented bubble bath but I can fit in snippets of self-care throughout my days.

Creating your own self-care routine isn’t indulgent, if that’s what you are thinking. And it certainly is not selfish.

It’s about showing yourself respect and love in order to thrive and live joyfully. For us momma’s it’s necessary to nurture ourselves first before we can do everything this crazy job of parenting requires of us.

That’s not an indulgence.

It’s common sense.

Now that we’ve sorted that out, let’s get on with the relaxing part.

I will give you 99+ relaxing self care ideas to make sure there is something for everyone here.

As it is such an epic list, I have split them up for you. You can jump to the best section for you below or treat this list as it’s your favorite salad bar. Take what you love and leave the rest.

Just a quick reminder. I am not a medical professional. This blog is not meant to be taken as medical or mental health advice, just from my own personal experience. Before you make a change to your physical or emotional health, I encourage you to seek professional advice. To read our full disclaimer, visit here.

Relaxing Self-Care Ideas.

Grab a cuppa, take a few deep breaths and let’s dive in.

Relaxing Self-Care Ideas For Moms.

Mom and Daughter Baking Looking Happy
Mom and Daughter Baking

1. Put your feet up. Take the pressure off your legs for a few moments. Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Repeat as many times as possible during the day.

2. Buy yourself some flowers. Allow yourself a mini indulgence and buy a beautiful bouquet. The simple pleasure of looking at and smelling flowers is a great way to show yourself some love. Plus, they brighten up a room, even on the dullest Autumn day.

3. Work on your vision board. It’s easy to misplace your own goals and dreams as a mom. You are so wrapped up in caring for others. It’s time to hunt out your own goals again. A goal setting vision board is a great way to clarify what those goals are and bring them into reality. Plus, it’s fun, creative and relaxing.

4. Get some fresh air. Having some time outside, every day, is a simple and relaxing form of self-care. Whether it’s a walk in your urban park, a walk in the woods or 10 minutes in your garden, just get outside and bathe in some fresh air. WebMD has a list of the benefits of getting outside, if you are interested.

5. Go to a movie or the theater by yourself. Go on a date for one and see a film or show without missing half of the performance for toilet breaks. If you prefer a quieter (and more budget friendly) option, send the kids on a sleepover and watch a movie or show at home, in your PJs. Sounds like bliss.

6. Read a few pages of a good book. I love to read and I make it part of my day-to-day life. Just a few moments of escapism for your brain are like a reset and renew. I love when I find a new series of books to devour. It’s like Christmas comes early. I’m currently reading Lucina Riley’s The Seven Sisters. Addictive.

7. Read something inspirational. I also have a good motivational book (or audiobook) on the go all the time. Your environment matters. What you listen to, watch, who you hang around with. I try to avoid getting drawn into mom comparison on Instagram and instead fill my brain with positive and inspiring messages. At the moment it’s Brene Brown. The Gifts Of Imperfect Parenting.

8. Find time for your friends. Stop putting off making that call. The friend you have been wanting to catch up with for months but never get around to it. Make a dinner date, go for a walk and talk or spend a night on the couch catching up. Take the time to nurture your friendships. It’s good for the mind and the soul.

9. Pamper yourself. I like to treat myself on a Sunday to a bath or long shower and a hair mask. Whatever feels like pampering to you, go do it. Buy some fragrant bath bombs, relax with a foot soak or get your nails done if that’s your thing. Maybe even start a savings jar for twice yearly spa days?

10. Journal. Journaling is one of my daily self-care activities. Getting your thoughts out of your head and onto paper is an outlet for stress and a good way to work through any overwhelming days. Make journaling part of your evening or morning routine.

11. Do some gardening. According to a recent study published in the Cities Journal, gardening just 2-3 times a week improves stress and wellbeing. Whether it’s a window box, a few pots of herbs or a large green space, there’s a lot to be said for pulling on some gardening gloves.

12. Cook your favorite meal. Having children somewhat changes your daily menu. My kids are pretty good eaters, but it’s still a lot of the same things we eat. Once a week I invite you to cook, exactly what you want to eat. Enjoy the preparation and eat your favorite dinner as slowly as you like. It’s good for your kids to see you practicing self-care and putting yourself first sometimes.

13. Declutter something. Clutter is such a drain for your brain. Ever notice how tidying up one small cupboard, your linen drawer or a kitchen pantry makes you feel instantly calmer? I can’t stop going back to look at my new mini tidy space.

14. Practice 10 minutes of exercise daily. Committing to a brief session of exercise every day can have a big impact on your emotional and physical wellbeing. A quick run, a ten minute online yoga class, a little stretching before bed. If you don’t have much time to spare, try to fit exercise into your daily life. A quick walk to the shop, doing a little gardening, vacuum a room. As long as it get’s your blood pumping, it all counts.

15. Throw a family dance party. Create a playlist of fun songs, clear a space for the dance floor, maybe even buy a little disco ball for your parties and get dancing. A good dance has the power to lighten even the most challenging days. It’s good for you and for your kids. Get your groove on.

16. Meditate. A daily dose of meditation is the best way to show yourself some love. It’s the cornerstone of my wellbeing formula and an essential step on my route to becoming a happy mom. If you love the idea of being Zen but have zero idea how to get there, read this post. Meditation practice is a skill, and like all skills, it takes a little time and patience.

You can try a guided meditation from Calm. Have a look at the 7 days to Calm below.

7 days Of Calm Guided Meditation

Best Relaxing At Home Self-Care Ideas.

Relaxing with tea on sofa in jeans
Relaxing with tea

16. Take a long bath. Complete with fancy bubble bath or salts, candles, a cuppa and a book or music. Maybe even throw in a face mask? Then slowly emerge back into your day and see how long you can keep floating on those relaxed vibes for.

17. Make your bed. This might seem a little random but it’s a tiny act of self-care, but it creates a feeling of calm in the room. Plus, it’s so nice to just get into bed at night without having to tidy up the sheets and piles of clothes first.

18. Take a nap. Recharge those batteries and fuel up for the rest of the day. Are you a 20 minute or 2 hour napper? For me, it can’t be over 20 minutes as it messes up my sleep, but chose your own nap journey.

19. Practice being selfish. Yes, you read that right. If you are an eternal people pleaser (hands up) it’s a good idea to put yourself first sometimes. If you’ve been invited to a night out but you would prefer a relaxing night on the sofa with Poldark and a hot chocolate (and who wouldn’t?), go for it.

20. Light a beautiful candle. You know that one that cost too much money and you keep on show in the guest bedroom. Light up your favorite candle, sit down and relax and enjoy the present moment.

21. Take a night off cooking. Cooking meals from scratch is obviously the healthier choice, but there’s nothing wrong with having a night off cooking. Order in from your favorite restaurant or defrost something from the freezer. There’s some great batch cooking ideas on BBC Goodfood.

22. Read your gratitude affirmations. Gratitude is one of the simplest ways to go from an attitude of lack to abundance. Find your favorite gratitude affirmations then write them out and keep them dotted around the house. Look at them, say them, sing them even. Simple self-care is often the best type.

23. Stretch your body. Show your body some love with a simple stretch routine. Combine this with a long bath, some essential oils and a healthy lunch. You’ve got yourself a spa day there (without the price tag).

24. Draw, color or just doodle. Grab a pen, some paper or journal book and simply draw. It’s a great way to lower stress levels, spark creativity or simply have a little fun. I’ve been learning how to nature journal recently with the kids and I love it (even more than them I think!).

25. Try out a new recipe. It’s normal to fall into the trap of cooking the same old trusty recipes. Spice up your kitchen and try out a new recipe. Make the meal an occasion. Set the table a little differently, play some relaxing music and enjoy a meal out at home. There’s always eggs on toast if it goes wrong, anyway.

26. Spend the day in comfy clothes. I could literally live in my pajamas. Now there are so many options of lounge clothes, you pretty much can anyway. We have a PJs day once a week in our house. So cozy and so relaxing.

27. Write a list of 5 things you love about yourself. Self-love and self-care go hand in hand. Write yourself a compliment list and bask in the warm, fuzzy feelings you get.

28. Do an online yoga class. If you don’t have enough time to get to the studio, no worries! Try an online yoga class to get all the health benefits without needing to leave the house. I am a huge fan of Yoga with Adriene. She has so many videos to try out. Pick one that suits your ability level and off you flow (if it suits your health situation).

29. Listen to an inspiring audiobook or podcast. Listening to something inspirational every day is a simple way to increase your positive energy. It’s a positive form of self-care.I’m currently listening to Chillpreneur by Denise Duffield-Thomas.

30. Turn off your phone for a whole day. There is something so liberating about a whole phone free day. More focus, more calm, less annoying notifications. Relaxing self-care in its simplest form.

46. Do a jigsaw puzzle. Jigsaw puzzles are focusing and relaxing. I enjoy doing them with the kids and on my own when my head is feeling a little too buzzy.

Budget Self-Care Ideas.

Woman's Legs On Bike Ride Track In Summer
Woman On Bike Ride

31. Go on a bike ride. Embrace your inner child. Go on a bike ride. Feel the sunshine on your face, get outside and explore a new or old location in a slower way.

32. Change the layout of your home. Shake up the flow of energy and see your home in a new way. Even changing the layout of just one room can make it feel like a whole new space.

33. Print off one of your most loved poems or quotes and create a new wall art. You can grab a copy of my positive wall art here or create a free Canva account and have a go at designing your own.

Post: 71 Best How To Be Intentional Quotes.

34. Create a quiet place. Find a little space in your home to create a Zen corner. This is your space to meditate, journal, or simply relax. Keep it tidy and full of things that promote calm for you. Plants and mandalas are a great place to start.

35. Make a playlist of your favorite songs. Create a playlist of your favorite relaxing or uplifting music and play this every time you need a little pick me up. I have a playlist of morning relaxation, afternoon kitchen dancing, uplifting wild woman tunes.

36. Buy a new house plant. House plants are an affordable, simple way to create more calm in your house. There’s even 7 science backed benefits of indoor plants. One of the best things about house plants? There is a plant for everyone, even if you are a terrible gardener it’s pretty hard to kill a cactus!

37. Organize your finances. Whilst this might not be the most rock n roll self-care act, sorting out your finances can take a big weight off your mind.

38. Clear your mental desk. Make a list of things that you need to do, all the things that have been on your mind. Getting them out of your head and onto paper is a self-care act alone. Then tick them off, slowly, one by one. I like to have a list for my life and a list for my business and I do this activity on a regular basis.

39. Clear a surface in your home. Do one room a week to clear physical clutter and mental clutter. Even if the idea of minimist living seems far off for you, just one clear space can have a positive impact.


40. Lay out a blanket and gaze at the clouds. Let your mind wander whilst you stare at the sky. If you want to be relaxed, connected, and even more productive, you need to let your mind wander.

41. Lay out a blanket and stare at the stars. The same as 40, just this time at night.

42. Meal prep. I like to call this pay it forward self-care. Double up on easy recipes like chilli or soup, make some overnight oats for the next day. Then when you are having a hectic day, there is one less thing to deal with.

43. Loan a book of poetry that inspires you from the library. Try reading a poem a day, at the end of the day, or when you rise in the morning.

44. Write a letter to your future self.Talk about your life as it is right now and what you hope to manifest in the next 5,10,15 years.

45. Buy some herbs for your kitchen. Herbs are a cheap and easy way to add a little fragrance to a room and some flavor to your meals. Research other ways to include herbs in your daily routine. Dry out lavender to place under your pillow, make a fresh herbal tea from peppermint and lemon balm.

Quick Relaxing Self-Care Ideas.

Woman Laughing At Video On Laptop
Woman Laughing At Video

46. Make a cup of tea. Brew a cuppa (maybe even treat yourself to a beautiful loose leaf tea), sit for a few moments and just be.

47. Take 10 deep breaths. Close your eyes, breathe in and breathe out.

48. Listen to something that makes you laugh. Find a podcast or audiobook that makes you laugh.

49. Dance. Put on some fun music and dance for 2,5,10+ minutes. It is so uplifting.

50. Make a super smoothie. Get a shot of nutrition with a fruit and veg packed smoothie. The Spruce Eats has a great list of 13 Smoothies to try.

51. Take 5 minutes outside. Give yourself a break from the day and step outside (without your phone). Take a few deep breaths, connect with nature and reset.

52. Look at some old photos. Smart phones have their benefits. Look at some old photos and reminisce about a time that made you smile.

53. Wear a new lipstick. I don’t wear a lot of makeup, but it’s amazing how good a new lipstick can make you feel.

54. Give yourself a quick massage. Whilst it might not live up to getting a massage, you can give yourself a foot or hand massage and still feel relaxed. If you struggle to reach your feet, use a tennis ball to roll under your foot. Especially good for runners’ feet.

55. Call a family member. That cousin you have needed to catch up with in months, your nan, your sibling. Make a little time for an important relationship in your life.

56. Floss your teeth. Show your gums a little extra love, look after your smile.

57. Sing. How good does it feel to sing along to your favorite song?

58. Use an adult coloring book. Spend 5 minutes focusing on something other than your thoughts.

59. Give yourself extra time. Factor in an extra 10 minutes to get ready for your day. Especially good for moms before the school run. Intentionally creating a calmer morning is self-care 101.

60. Do a social media clean out. Go through your social media accounts and unfollow anyone you no longer resonate with.

Self-Care Sunday Ideas.

Woman Painting On Canvas
Woman Painting

61. Go for a mindful walk. Take a walk for as long as you like and practice mindful walking. Focus on the rhythm of your breath, the movement of your foot, placing your feet. Take your mindfulness practice off the mat and try a little mindful exercise.

62. Bake something yummy. Bake a batch of your favorite brownies, muffins or any tasty treat you enjoy.

63. Have a massage. As a certified massage therapist, I am kind of biased with this one. I still think having a relaxing massage is one of the best self-care ideas. Even if it’s a once a month treat.

64. Create a cozy corner and take a nap. Use soft cushions, warm blankets, candles and soft music, then take a relaxed, nurturing nap.

65. Have brunch with a friend. Sunday brunch is by far the best time to eat out. Not a rushed breakfast or an expensive evening meal. A long, tasty, simple brunch with a friend, then a stroll outside. Blissful.

66. Go fruit picking. Whatever is in season right now, find a farm to pick your own. Strawberries, apples, pumpkins. Fun and healthy.

67. Work on a project. A scrapbook, piece of art, quilt, new wooden table. Whatever works for you, go get creating your Sunday project.

68. Visit a museum or gallery. It’s nice to get a culture fix now and then. Immersing yourself in beautiful or thought-provoking art is a good form of self-care.

69. Take a long Sunday picnic. Enjoy some delicious picnic treats and spend time outdoors at the same time. Take some comfy cushions, sun shade and plenty of lemonade.

70. Try out a new hobby or class. Something you have been wanting to try for ages. Watercolor painting, French cookery, tango dancing. Go for it.

71. Do a long journal entry. Journaling is part of my daily self-care plan, but it’s normally just a few sentences after my morning meditation. Grab the chance on Sunday to write a longer journal entry. Try free writing, just open a page and write whatever comes into your head, no filter. Or answer a question that requires some thought. Or maybe even get that book idea out of your head and started on paper. If you are short of journal ideas, I’ve got your back. 64 Summer Journal Prompts, Self-Esteem Journal Prompts, or if you are short on time, these 5 Minute Journal Prompts.

72. Have a slow Sunday morning. Ok, this might not be possible if you are a momma like myself, but if you can, then gift yourself a slow, sleepy Sunday morning. Sleep in, wake up slowly, take some deep breaths, and welcome in the new day with a positive mantra. Have a slow, delicious breakfast and stay in your comfy clothes for as long as possible.

73. Create some Sunday rituals. There’s power in everyday rituals and routines. Make an ordinary activity a little special by turning it into a ritual. Maybe have French toast for breakfast on Sundays, or crack out the fancy loose leaf tea and that beautiful teapot. Go for a Sunday long run or bike ride. You could reserve a special candle for Sunday evenings. Whatever you chose, enjoy it, be present with it and look forward to it.

74. Make a plan for the coming week. On Sunday afternoon, I open up my diary, have a look at our coming week and write out my week plan. Activities, meet-ups, appointments, meal plan and deadlines for my business. This simple activity gives me a little sense of control over what’s to come and allows me to factor in my daily self-care, depending on how busy the week looks. I schedule in my run times and leave blank spaces for us to have chill time at home. If you are more of a winging it, day by day person maybe try mixing it up and creating a simple week plan. It might give you back some precious time to do more of what you love and less staring into the fridge thinking, “what can I make from this lot”?

75. Give yourself a face massage. You don’t need to head to the salon to get a face massage. You can easily do this at home and end your Sunday looking and feeling more refreshed and relaxed. Here’s a simple one for you to try out by Ksenija. It is so good!

Unique Self-Care Ideas.

House Plants In Containers
House Plants

76. Practice mindful moments. Meditation is the best way to increase your mindfulness muscles, but you can (and should) take mindfulness off the mat and into your daily life. Spending time in mindful awareness can drastically up your level of calm, presence, and joy. Here’s a list of mindful opportunities you can benefit from:

  • Walking down a hallway
  • Washing your hands
  • Chopping food
  • Taking a shower
  • Walking to work/the bus stop/the school gates

You can even use mindful reminders to stop, observe, and be present. Self-care doesn’t get any better than being here, right now.

77. Bring more color into your life. Blue is a calming, peaceful, serene color. for me. My house, wardrobe, garden (and even my car) are full of varying shades of blue. What’s your favorite relax color? If you are unsure, then try a little journaling and work out what colors bring you the most calm. Then incorporate more of that into your life.

78. Look after your plants. You might have the odd house plant dotted around your rooms for effect, but how much attention do you give them? Plants have a positive effect on your emotional and physical health (have a look at this article from RHS). So show them some love and they will love you in return. Stroke the leaves, water and feed them, observe how they change through the year, even have a chat with them (really).

79. Listen to an ASMR story. ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. It’s that tingly, light feeling you might get when someone strokes your hair or you listen to a soothing voice. Listening to an ASMR story is deeply relaxing and can be a great way to fall asleep. I use the Calm app, there are several ASMR stories on there to try out. You can try it free for a month, no code needed.

80. Balancing. Wobbling around on one leg in yoga, trying to master the tree pose is really great for your body and brain. Did you know that? According to Dr Michael Mosley on BBC Radio 4 balancing will ” recalibrate your brain, forming new connections and strengthening the coordination between your ears, eyes, joints and muscles”. I also find the concentration needed whilst standing on one leg, deeply relaxing and focusing. If you don’t feel confident balancing yet, just stand close to a wall or use a chair for support.

81. Random acts of kindness. “We cannot do great things on this earth, only small things with great love” Mother Teresa. Random acts of kindness can promote gratitude, empathy, compassion and your connection with others (Psychology Today). What are simple acts of kindness? Giving someone the parking spot you found. Helping a colleague who is behind on a project. Leaving water out for the garden animals. Stopping to talk to an elderly person you meet, even though it’s been a long day. Paying for someone’s coffee. The beauty of kindness is its contagious, more kindness leads to more kindness. Win for everyone.

82. Weighted blanket. A weighted blanket leaves your body cocooned and feeling snug, hopefully helping you to relax more deeply. Kind of like swaddling a newborn baby.

83. Stroke an animal. If you love animals you will know how relaxing stroking a pet is. Not ready to bring home a new family member yet? Walk a neighbor’s dog, cat sit for a friend, volunteer in an animal sanctuary. You can still get the benefit of being near animals without needing to take the plunge and get yourself a pet.

84. Do something really badly. If you are a perfectionist, you will always want to achieve the best you can, and work yourself silly until you get there. Allowing yourself to do something you know you are bad at is a simple act of self-care. Zero pressure, zero stress. Embrace being bad at something and accept that perfection does not exist. This is one of my best self-care tips for you.

85. Forgive yourself (or someone else). Holding onto anger is bad for your emotional and physical health, according to Hopkins Medicine it keeps your body in the fight-or-flight mode. That’s not a place you want to hang out in. Fast heart rate, swirling thoughts, sleepless nights. Forgiveness is taking care of your body and your emotional needs.

86. Sit in silence (alone time). Sit alone, in silence, for a few moments or a few hours. Give your brain time to destress and disengage from the “always on” of life. If you are a mom, this can be really hard to do, but just look for nuggets of time within your day. You will find a tiny gap to sit alone, quietly and stare into space. It’s the little things that have the biggest impact.

87. Have a date with yourself. Cook your favorite dinner, take yourself off to the movies, go on a long walk, have a pamper night. Spend some dedicated time doing exactly what you want to do. No fitting in with your family, the kids, your friends. 100% for you.

88. Learn a unique musical instrument. A friend recently introduced me to a tongue drum and immediately fell in love with it. It’s a beautiful, calming sound and you don’t need to learn specific notes to create a beautiful sound. Other relaxing, unique instruments you could try; Koshi Chimes, thumb piano and singing bowls.

89. Learn to accept what you cannot control. Practice this mantra Right now, I let go of the things I cannot change with an open and accepting heart.

90. Volunteer. Volunteering is good for your community, the planet and for you. It connects you with others, highlights the importance of community, builds your confidence and gives you new skills. As a volunteer myself, I have experienced all this and more from giving a few hours to volunteer jobs.

Other Self-Care Ideas

Woman Watching Sunrise With Coffee
Woman Watching Sunrise With Coffee

91. Have your groceries delivered.

92. Do some Tai Chi.

93. Create a veggie box.

94. Read a new book.

95. Limit social media to 25 minutes a day.

96. Write a poem.

97. Watch the sunrise or sunset (or both).

98. Make a fresh seasonal juice or smoothie.

99. Declutter one room.

100. Watch an inspiring TED talk.

Women lying on bed reading book and drinking tea
Women relaxing

Final thoughts on Relaxing Self-Care Ideas.

If you’ve made it to the end of that list. Well done! It was pretty big.

These are my best self-care ideas for you. I’ve tried a fair few of them, but with 99+ I can’t honestly say I have done all of these myself. Like I always say, take what you need and leave the rest.

Let me know which ones you try out or if you have any that I have missed off this giant list.

Take care of yourself!

Amanda x

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  1. I enjoyed reading through this list of 99 relaxing self care ideas. I think that it’s great that you offer quick and simple ideas I could stop and do right now. I also like that you have more planned activities. I love to read a good book, color mandalas with colored pencils, make a cup of tea or coffee and cuddle with my cat. I’m also a fan of Downton Abbey!

    1. I love making mandalas! Especially when i am in the woods and can use natural materials. Downton Abbey is the best! x

  2. I never realized how important self care was until I had kids. I love how your list of ideas are simple and budget friendly! I am definitely pinning for later as a reminder of self care ideas. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I love all of these ideas. I am always looking for ways to incorporate self-care into my daily routine. There are some activities on this list that I never thought of as self-care. Very good blog.

    1. Thanks Kim. That’s great to hear, it certainly gave me a challenge creating this many! Hope they help you.

  4. It is amazing how many little things we can do for ourselves as an act of self-care. It is so important to our well-being to fit in a small amount of self-care each day. I believe you have covered all the self-care bases in this post, which is great!! Thanks for sharing!!

    1. That’s really good to hear. There are a lot of options on the post! Agree, small amounts of self-care are the way to go.

  5. I am a HUGE fan of self care. One of my favorite rituals is my bedtime wind down. I go to bed at least an hour prior to my sleep time. I watch a fun show, cuddle with my pups, and lie under my weighted blanket with dim lighting with my essential oil diffuser running. Helps me take some me time and relax before sleeping. Greatly improves my night’s sleep!

    1. That sounds SO beautiful! Love it! I am not a great sleeper so i might try this method. Maybe I even need a puppy as well!