
179 Affirmations for Letting Go and Moving Forward.

Holding onto the past; past relationships, mistakes, hurt, grudges, emotions is something we have all probably done. The problem is this refusal to let go of the past actually stops you from moving forward and living in the present.

Affirmations For Letting Go.

I have found affirmations to be a great way to move on and let go of the past. They are useful when you are coming out of a difficult time or making a big change. End of a relationship, change in career, becoming a mom. They all require us to let go of a part of our life to make space for something new.

How to get the most out of affirmations.

Be consistent, say them daily as many times as possible.

Keep them in the present tense, if possible.

Keep them specific.

Visualise what you are saying.

Be patient.

Affirmations For Letting Go And Moving Forward.

Affirmations for Letting Go of the Past

  1. I forgive myself completely and without guilt.
  2. As I forgive myself, I can forgive others.
  3. I forgive___________________________(insert name).
  4. Let it go, let it flow.
  5. I am strong enough to let go of past traumas.
  6. I am totally free.
  7. Thanks for the lesson, Universe, I am ready for the amazing things heading my way.
  8. It has taken me _________________ years to get here. Now I plan on enjoying it.
  9. Take a deep breath, today I start again.
  10. Good things are coming my way, no need to look back.
  11. When I let go of past pain, I heal my future self.
  12. I open the door with a heart full of positive energy.
  13. Right now, I am taking the first step of my new life.
  14. I am walking towards a happier life with every step I take.
  15. Letting go of the past is a necessary process of life.
  16. When I let go of one thing, I make space for something better.
  17. I let go of all resentment towards others.
  18. I let go of resentment towards myself.
  19. I am grateful for the good memories and ready to create more.
  20. I let go of everything that has happened to me before this moment.
  21. My past does not define my future. I have that choice.
  22. The best way to let go of the past is to be in the beautiful present moment.
  23. I am free, and it feels good.

Affirmations for Letting Go of Past Relationships.

  1. I release you with love.
  2. It’s ok to walk away.
  3. I let go of past relationships that no longer serve me.
  4. I am ready to move forward from this chapter.
  5. I let go of past arguments, grudges, and resentment.
  6. Thank you for the good memories.
  7. I can detach from negative memories.
  8. I accept others may not share my path, views or thoughts, and I am ok with that.
  9. I am ready to move forward in my own way.
  10. I am healed; I am ready; I am whole.
  11. I have said goodbye to anger and hurt to make space for love and possibility.

Affirmations for Letting Go of Insecurity.

  1. It’s ok to let yourself SHINE.
  2. Thank you for this gift of wisdom and growth.
  3. It’s ok if you don’t get me.
  4. Broken crayons still colour.
  5. I let go of negative thoughts.
  6. Letting go is a sign of strength.
  7. I look at myself with an overflowing sense if warmth and acceptance.
  8. I am living in my truth.
  9. My spirit is wild, free, and full of joy.
  10. I acknowledge and accept my faults.
  11. I am totally and joyfully free to be me.
  12. I remove obstacles that hinder my emotional and spiritual growth.
  13. I am unique, beautiful and amazing.
  14. My self-esteem is growing because I am actively nurturing it.
  15. I let go of needing to care what others think of me.
  16. I chose to look at my body with love and kindness.
  17. I am loved, just as I am.
  18. I love myself unconditionally.
  19. I am perfectly imperfect, and that is fine by me.

Affirmations for Letting Go of Career Insecurity.

  1. I don’t need to impress anyone else.
  2. I don’t need to justify my choices.
  3. I am brave enough to set boundaries.
  4. I am growing stronger and more assured with every breath I take.
  5. I am good at what I do.
  6. I feel good about the value I give to the World.
  7. I trust the Universe and its plan for me.

Affirmations for Letting Go of Fear.

  1. Vulnerability is strength.
  2. I release my mind from the cage I have kept it in.
  3. I no longer need to hold on to past hurts.
  4. I chose freedom and release anything that blocks my way.
  5. Fear is an emotion. It will pass.
  6. I say goodbye to fear and anxiety.
  7. Fear keeps me standing still, I choose to keep moving forward with courage.
  8. I am brave enough to face my fear.
  9. I am strong enough to acknowledge my fear.
  10. Today I let go of fear.
  11. Fear no longer controls my decisions.
  12. I am untethered from fear.
  13. Fear does not change the future, it serves no purpose. I let go of anxiety.

Affirmations for Moms.

  1. I let go of my mistakes, I can start again right now.
  2. A bad day does not make a bad Mom.
  3. My life is just starting, and that makes me glow with joy and anticipation.
  4. Today and every other day I am enough.
  5. Today I say goodbye to old habits that no longer serve me.
  6. Goodbye today, thank you for the lessons.
  7. The perfect Mom does not exist. I let go of her image.
  8. I am so joyful in my beautiful, imperfect life.
  9. My family members do not need to understand how I choose to parent.
  10. I am a good Mom, and my children love me.
  11. I offer myself love and care as I do for my children.

Affirmations for Letting Go of Control.

  1. I let it all go.
  2. I am slowly changing my need for control.
  3. I resign from needing to save others.
  4. I am in the flow of life, and all is well.
  5. I say goodbye to the past moment and welcome in the next moment.
  6. I am all that I need to live the life I want.
  7. What others think of me is none of my business.
  8. Everything is exactly how it should be.
  9. In this present moment, I am right here, right now.
  10. I cannot control life anymore than I can control a raging river.
  11. I accept the situation exactly as it is.
  12. Sometimes it’s fun to let go and go with the flow.
  13. I choose to surrender with an open heart and a mind of wonder.
  14. I may not see the destination, but I am stepping in the right direction.
  15. I resign from the need to be right.
  16. I let go of all expectations I have placed upon myself.

Affirmations for Self-Care.

  1. I resign from needing to make others agree with me.
  2. I let go of pain and suffering.
  3. I am excited to live in joy and contentment.
  4. Life is good, and I am grateful.
  5. I will treat myself with kindness, love and respect from this day onwards.
  6. I release shame.
  7. I release guilt.
  8. I release self judgement.
  9. I give myself the gift of freedom.
  10. I protect myself from negative energy.
  11. Today, only good vibes are welcome.
  12. I choose a simple life over chaos and busyness.
  13. My faults are a part of me. I love myself as a whole.
  14. I am a conscious and vibrant human being. I am proud of all I have done to get here.
  15. I give to others easily.
  16. With every breath, I can let go.
  17. I deserve all the good things that are heading my way.
  18. I accept who I am wholeheartedly.
  19. I am focused. I am clear. I am in flow.
  20. I offer myself unlimited patience.
  21. I give love. I receive love. I am love.
  22. I can choose my own thoughts as I can choose my clothes.
  23. I commit to my self-care needs.
  24. Taking care of myself is necessary, not selfish.
  25. I am grateful for the love God has for me.
  26. My meditation/quiet time is important and I will honour this.
  27. I nurture my body with healthy food, water, and exercise.
  28. I nurture my mind with quiet time.
  29. Forgiveness is an act of self-care. It sets me free.
  30. I have made peace with the past.
  31. I attract good luck and abundance.

Affirmations for Letting Go of Clutter and Possessions.

  1. I am happy with free space around me. I do not need to clutter my life.
  2. I choose a simple life to live a big life.
  3. I don’t need stuff to feel complete.
  4. I collect memories, not things.
  5. I joyfully let go of things that clutter my life and my mind.
  6. There is no place for clutter in my new life.
  7. I am taking daily steps to declutter my life.
  8. I see a clear and clutter free house around me.

Affirmations for Letting Go of the Fear of Failing.

  1. My past does not define my future.
  2. Today is the first day of my new being.
  3. I trust myself, my wisdom, my intuition.
  4. I am ready to give thanks to past failures, they each gave me a lesson.
  5. I acknowledge the mistake I made and I move on from it.
  6. I welcome abundance and possibility into my life.
  7. I live a vibrant, fulfilled, and energetic life. Fear of failing will not hinder my potential.
  8. I release the need to be perfect in all that I do.

Affirmations for Letting Go of Stress.

  1. I choose calm over chaos.
  2. I am aware of damaging and negative patterns. I am working on changing them.
  3. I love my family members and accept who they are with a kind heart.
  4. I am open and welcoming to the process of change.
  5. I choose forgiveness.
  6. The breath is my anchor, I will use it whenever I need.
  7. I can choose to say no to situations that cause me stress.
  8. Goodbye chaos and stress, hello calm and peace.
  9. Stress has no place in this new day.
  10. When I feel stress, I listen to what my body needs.
  11. My happiness depends on me alone. I resign from the need to make others happy.
  12. I am free of worry.

Affirmations to move on from a breakup.

  1. Even though my heart hurts now, I am still enough.
  2. This pain will pass.
  3. Every day, I take a step closer to healing.
  4. I am walking towards a new chapter.
  5. I will get through this healing process.
  6. I let go of guilt.
  7. I will look for the positive memories.
  8. I no longer hold onto feelings of guilt.
  9. I let go of this emotional baggage and move on.
  10. I gently make space for new relationships.
  11. I am ready to let go of my pain.
  12. A beautiful life is waiting for me.
  13. I have a bright future.
  14. My happiness is my number one priority.
  15. I am happy being with myself, it is enough.
  16. It is time to let go.
  17. I am attractive.
  18. I trust things will work out for me.
  19. Every day is a new day with new possibilities of a better future.
  20. I choose to forgive, love and live wholeheartedly again.

Are affirmations enough?

These positive statements can be called upon, anytime to break a thought loop of negative emotions or remind you that this time will pass.

I think positive affirmations are a powerful tool to use alongside other positive mental health activities.

I like to call this your own mental health formula.

My mental health formula comprises daily meditation, running, being in nature, listening to inspiring podcasts, good food, being around great people and reading. It might sound like a lot for a homeschooling mom, but it would surprise you what you can fit into pockets of time, if you really want to.

Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than hanging on.

Eckhart Tolle

Can you do me a favour, please? Are they any affirmations I have missed out on here, ones that you have really loved using? Just let me know below in the comments or send me a message. Thank you!

Here with you.

Amanda x

Frequently Asked Questions about Affirmations For Letting Go.

Do Affirmations Work?

Have a read of this post which will answer your questions.

Positive Affirmations. Do they work and how long does it take?

How do you let go and move forward in life?

I have 5 extra strategies to help you let go and move forward.

1. Mindfullness

The more grounded you can be in the present moment, the more you can detach from your past and live in the present. This might seem like a tall order if you are consumed by thoughts of the past, but just start small. The more mindful moments you have, the less space you have for those thoughts and ruminations on painful memories.

Wondering how to start? You can try a guided meditation from Calm or Headspace or have a read of this post, Meditation For Mothers In 5 Simple Steps.

2. Surround yourself with people and places that light you up.

Your environment matters. The people you spend time with, books you read, places you visit all contribute to how you view the world. Find people who make your feel happy and positive, say no to engagements that drain you, spend time in the places that make your soul sing.

3. Create a positive affirmation to break the negative thought loop.

You can’t stop those thoughts from coming, but you can reframe them. If you feel stuck in a loop of thoughts about past experiences, try using an affirmation. When you think “I will never be happy again” try saying “I am excited about this new path unfolding for me”. Even if you don’t feel it, you can take control over those thought cycles and create space for new thoughts and experiences.

4. Do things you enjoy.

Spend time doing things that you love, just for fun. Gardening, salsa dancing, ocean swimming. Whatever makes you feel happy to be alive, go out and do it. This isn’t always easy for busy mothers, but even small pockets of time doing something that you love is a tonic for moving forward in life.

5. Forgive.

Forgiveness is essential if you are going to move forward. Whether this is forgiveness of someone else or forgiveness towards yourself for past mistakes, work on forgiving and letting go. You need to let go of the anger, guilt, disappointment, sadness to move into the next chapter of your life.

Want more affirmations? Try these:

59 Affirmations for Gratitude and a Positive Daily Attitude.

72 Affirmations for Overcoming Fear and Anxiety.

71 Positive Affirmations for Sleep.

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  1. I love this list. I have never really used affirmations before, but after reading several of your lists, I am going to start. Just reading the words is nourishing.

    1. That’s so kind of you to say. What lovely words. Glad you will be using the power of affirmations soon!

  2. Love the one about fear being an emotion that will pass. This is true with all other emotions too! When I’m angry or upset, I become critical of myself, when I should be reminding myself that this emotion is okay and it won’t stay forever. Love this list and all the categories! A great resource to save for later!

  3. I like affirmations, but I feel like I have a hard time coming up with new ideas sometimes, so I’ll save this list for future reference. This is one of my favorites: “Fear no longer controls my decisions.” This year I have been working hard to control my fear instead of letting it control me.

  4. Negative things are better to stay in the past. You should learn from them and improve but bringing to the present time is not positive, unless you are trying to advise someone else using yourself as an example (“Broken crayon still color”).

    1. Interesting thought actually! I actually like to process and look back on my challenges to be honest. It always amazes me how much I have changed and helps me keep going in other challenges. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I loved reading through this list of 159 affirmations for letting go and moving forward. My favorite is “What others think of me is none of my business.” I have a tendency to worry about what other people think of me and I also tend to hold on to the past. These are awesome affirmations!

    1. 100% I hear you! I use affirmations when I am worried, over thinking (as a circuit breaker), when I need to keep calm with the kids and when I can’t sleep. Would not be without them now! x

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